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Food allergies: Do I have salmon allergy?

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Salmon allergy is one of the common food allergies affecting adults. Salmon is one of the highly allergenic fish species. An allergic reaction to salmon can indicate sensitivity to certain kinds of fish or shellfish. Due to this reason, the individual should avoid eating all types of fish and fish products. Additionally, those who have fish allergies must avoid any seafood markets and preparation areas.

Salmon allergy typically develops during childhood but can also develop among adults. It is important to note that adults who were not sick after eating fish can reach a threshold level of sensitization and end up with allergy symptoms every time salmon is eaten. Remember that fish allergies typically last for a lifetime.

How to detect salmon allergy

The doctor will perform skin and blood tests to identify the specific type of fish that triggers the allergy symptoms. Individuals who have not been given a diagnosis are at risk for serious allergic reactions and must eliminate salmon and other fish from the diet.

Always bear in mind that fish ingredients might be hidden in some food products such as various Asian dishes, Worcestershire sauce and imitation seafood.

Salmon allergy
The allergy symptoms such as shortness of breath, erratic pulse rate and weakness after eating salmon require prompt emergency care.

What are the possible effects of salmon allergy?

The usual effects of salmon allergy affect the skin, nose, eyes and the digestive tract. Direct handling of the fish can trigger itchiness and skin irritation at the area of contact. Even inhalation of steam from cooking can cause swollen and itchy eyes, lips and throat as well as nasal congestion. Additionally, other symptoms that can develop include the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness

Considerations to bear in mind

Salmon allergy can put an individual at risk for uncommon but potentially fatal anaphylaxis. Once this reaction occurs, there is an unusual drop in the blood pressure along with breathing issues due to the inflammation of the airways.

The allergy symptoms such as shortness of breath, erratic pulse rate and weakness after eating salmon require prompt emergency care. Take note that this reaction can rapidly escalate to shock, fainting and respiratory or cardiac arrest.

Since immunotherapy shots could not lessen the allergic reactions to foods, the only form of treatment for allergies to fish including salmon allergy is to prevent the allergens from entering the body. This simply means that the individual must avoid all types of fish or undergo testing for specific types. The doctor might recommend an elimination diet. The individual should not attempt to reintroduce salmon or any fish in his/her diet without consulting the doctor first.

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