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Can vitamin D deficiency cause foot pain?

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Foot pain might be an indication of an underlying medical condition or nutritional deficiency such as vitamin D. It is important to note that there is not enough proof that can link vitamin D deficiency to foot pain though. Based in some studies conducted, it was discovered that low level of vitamin D in the body can cause chronic pain and weakness. Using vitamin D supplements can help minimize the symptoms but it is best to consult a doctor first before using any dietary supplements.

Close look on vitamin D

Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine” vitamin since the body produces it as a response to exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Take note that it is naturally present in various foods including cheese, oysters, cod liver oil and fatty fish as well as in fortified foods such as milk and breakfast cereals. Additionally, vitamin D has a vital role in the absorption of calcium and assists with the formation of bone.

What is vitamin D deficiency?

Foot pain
The foot pain can be triggered by various factors but it is usually an issue of wearing ill-fitting shoes or standing on the feet for extended periods of time.

Vitamin D deficiency can be due to inadequate dietary intake, lack of exposure to the sun or conditions that affect the ability of the body to absorb vitamin D. Always bear in mind that deficiency can lead to the development of rickets and osteomalacia.

When it comes to rickets, it is a childhood condition that leads to the softening and weakening of the bones that results to muscle cramping, pain, skeletal abnormalities and bone pain. As for osteomalacia, it occurs among adults which results to pain and muscle weakness. Obese individuals and the elderly as well as those who do not have enough exposure to sunlight face a higher risk for developing vitamin D deficiency.

Connection of vitamin D to foot pain

The foot pain can be triggered by various factors but it is usually an issue of wearing ill-fitting shoes or standing on the feet for extended periods of time. Other typical causes of foot pain include injuries, arthritis, tendinitis or an inflammatory condition called plantar fasciitis.

Vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to foot pain. Essentially, foot pain is quite common among adults with a clinical vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D is considered beneficial in minimizing the joint, muscle and bone pain. A doctor should be consulted so that the proper dosage for the condition of the individual can be given.

Considerations to bear in mind

Even though it is possible that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to the symptoms of foot pain, it is not advisable to self-diagnose the nutritional deficiency. In case the pain persists despite the self-care measures or the individual could not walk properly or place any weight on the feet, it is best to seek medical care.

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