Causes of leg spasms

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It is important to note that leg spasms or muscle cramps are described as involuntary muscle contractions that fail to release. In most cases, spasms typically affect the skeletal muscles but can occur in the hamstrings, calf and quadriceps. Leg spasms can range from mild to moderate pain that lasts from a few seconds up to 10 minutes or more. The leg spasms usually resolve without requiring medical care. Nevertheless, prolonged leg spasms would require medical care in order to determine the exact cause of the leg spasms. It is best to register for first aid training today so that you can learn the appropriate pain management measures to carry out.

Compression of the nerve

The compression of the nerves after they leave the spinal cord can result to leg spasms. The compression of the spinal nerves can produce conditions that can affect the spinal column such as spinal tumors, osteoarthritis and herniated discs. Always bear in mind that these conditions usually affect the nerves that run through the legs which can instigate leg spasms.

The leg spasms typically worsen while sitting for extended periods of time or engaging in strenuous physical activities. Those who experience frequent leg spasms should consult a doctor for advice regarding spinal conditions that can trigger the development of leg spasms.

Leg spasms
The leg spasms typically worsen while sitting for extended periods of time or engaging in strenuous physical activities.

Poor conditioning

Muscles that are poorly conditioned can contribute to leg spasms. Even though it is not yet fully understood the exact cause of the leg spasms, it is believed that weak and out of shape muscles are likely to cause the spasms. It is important to note that muscles or bundles of fiber relax and contract in order to move the joints and bones of the skeletal system. The signal to relax or contract is transferred by the nerve cells that communicate with the cells inside the muscles.

Muscles that are poorly conditioned lack the muscle and nerve communication which can alter the normal nerve reflex function which can lead to the manifestation of leg spasms. Those who suffer from frequent leg spasms must take part in regular physical activity in order to reduce the likelihood of leg spasms and strengthen the muscles within the leg region.

Electrolyte imbalance

Leg spasms can be caused by electrolyte imbalance. The electrolytes are the chemicals present in the blood that control the essential body functions. Once an individual sweats during exercise, calcium, potassium and magnesium levels are depleted. There are certain medications that can also affect the chemical balance of these nutrients which can cause leg spasms.

When preventing the leg spasms, the individual should eat balanced meals to adequately supply the nutrient levels as well as prevent leg spasms. Those who are under medications should monitor their blood levels carefully in order to ensure that the electrolytes are balanced.

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