Causes of recurring fever in children

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Cases of recurring fever typically occur at least three times within a period of six months. This can occur on a regular basis or without any pattern at all and may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms.

In case a child has recurring fever that has other accompanying symptoms or the fever is persistent or too high, it is best to consult a doctor right away so that proper assessment and early treatment can be provided. If you want to learn ways to manage fever, you can enroll in a first aid course today.

Recurring infections

Oftentimes, children can suffer from recurring fever due to the development of repeat infections. These can be viral such as the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections or stomach viruses. It can also be bacterial such as sinusitis, urinary tract infections and dental abscesses. Always bear in mind that these infections often but not always occur with other symptoms such as sore throat or nasal discharge such as a cold or frequent urination and abdominal pain in case of an urinary tract infection. This is due to the fact that urinary tract infections do not cause any symptoms among young children. Just remember that if an infant or toddler has unexplained fever, a doctor must be consulted for proper diagnosis.

Recurring fever
Oftentimes, children can suffer from recurring fever due to the development of repeat infections. These can be viral such as the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections or stomach viruses.

PFAPA syndrome

If you have not heard about PFAPA syndrome, it stands for the distinctive symptoms of the syndrome such as periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis. Pharyngitis involves the inflammation of the tonsils while adenitis is the inflammation of the lymph glands in the neck area. As for aphthous stomatitis, it causes small-sized ulcers in the mouth or genitals. The syndrome starts in young children as young as 18 months old. The treatment typically includes corticosteroids and tonsillectomy in severe cases.

Auto-inflammatory conditions

There are various auto-inflammatory conditions that can cause recurring fever. Some of these are hereditary and others tend to occur without even a family history. Good examples include PAPA syndrome, familial Mediterranean fever, Crohn’s disease and juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The doctor can diagnose these conditions through the medical history of the individual including the family history as well as urine and blood testing. If you suspect that the recurring fever is due to an auto-inflammatory condition, it is best to consult a doctor for proper assessment and evaluation.

Other possible causes of recurring fever

The presence of parasites can cause recurring fever that tends to occur irregularly. The Epstein-Barr virus in some cases can trigger recurring fever. Other possible health conditions that the doctor can evaluate include central nervous system issues, lymphoma and fever as a side effect of certain medications. In most cases, recurring fever in children can resolve on its own and do not require medical care.

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