How to determine if fever is serious?

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Fever that occurs on its own or accompanied by other symptoms can cause discomfort, especially if it is a high or occurs in an infant. Most cases are not serious and eventually go away on their own or once the underlying illness is properly managed. The severity of a fever depends on the age of the individual, body temperature, length of the fever and the accompanying symptoms.


There are certain circumstances in the development of fever that you should be familiar with. In case an individual becomes overheated such as being under the sun all day long and end up dehydrated, the body will lose its ability to cool itself and the temperature will rise. Cases of fever can also occur since the body deliberately increases the temperature as a response to a bacterial or viral infection. Even the though brain normally works in maintaining the body temperature at around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit when sick, the temperature will go up and the brain will allow it. This will help the immune system eliminate the infection.

A low-grade fever that persists for weeks and accompanied by sore throat and fatigue can indicate mononucleosis which is a type of infection that requires proper assessment by a doctor.

There are measures that you can be used to reduce the fever if it causes discomfort. You can learn these measures by enrolling in a first aid course today.

Age and temperature

Fever in adults are not serious unless higher than 103 degrees F. In reality, cases of fever below 102 degrees F in adults are best left untreated unless a doctor advises treatment since treating a fever reduces the ability of the immune system to fight off an infection. If the fever is higher than 103 degrees F, a doctor must be consulted as soon as possible.

Babies up to three months old with fever of 101 degrees F or higher must be assessed by a doctor right away. Older infants and children should be checked if the fever is between 101-103 degrees Fahrenheit. Cases of fever that is higher than 104 degrees F requires immediate medical care.

Presence of other symptoms

Always bear in mind that even a low-grade fever can indicate a serious underlying health condition if it lasts for a long time. A low-grade fever that persists for weeks and accompanied by sore throat and fatigue can indicate mononucleosis which is a type of infection that requires proper assessment by a doctor.

If the fever comes and goes for weeks and accompanied by swollen lymph nodes and weight loss, it can indicate tuberculosis that would require proper testing. Always bear in mind that if fever lasts more than three days, it is best to consult a doctor. Additionally, if the individual develops fever right after taking a newly prescribed medication, the fever might be a reaction to the drug, thus it is important to consult a doctor right away.

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