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Close look on long-acting insulin

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Long-acting insulin is given to individuals with diabetes. When eating, the pancreas releases insulin which is a hormone. The insulin is responsible for moving glucose from the blood to the cells for energy and storage.

What is long-acting insulin?

Long-acting insulin controls the blood sugar the whole day. This strikingly resembles the action of insulin normally released by the pancreas to control the blood sugar levels between meals.

Generally, long-acting insulin is injected once a day to control the blood sugar levels steadily.

This type of insulin continues to work in the background to control the blood sugar level throughout the daily routine. There are different types of long-acting insulin products available.

How should I use insulin?

Generally, long-acting insulin is injected once a day to control the blood sugar levels steadily. A pen device or needle is used to administer a shot. Just make sure that it is administered at the same time every day to avoid any lags in the insulin coverage or “stacking” the doses. Take note that stacking is taking the doses too close together which causes their activity to overlap.

The doctor might recommend a short-acting insulin prior to a meal to prevent a spike on the blood sugar after eating.

Potential side effects

Similar with any medications taken, the insulin injections can trigger side effects. One of the possible side effects is low blood sugar. The indications of low blood sugar include:

  • Chills
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Blurry vision
  • Headache
  • Fainting

Other potential side effects of insulin injections include redness, pain or swelling of the skin at the injection site.

Regardless of the type of insulin taken, it must work well to regulate the blood sugar level. A doctor should be consulted so that the ideal type of insulin can be given and the right dosing schedule that is effective and convenient.

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