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Do I have a fluctuating blood sugar level?

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Millions of individuals all over the world suffer from diabetes. An individual might be born with a condition called as type-1 diabetes in which the pancreas could not produce insulin required by the body to provide sugar to the cells. Type-2 diabetes is another type in which the cells of the body develop resistance to accept the blood sugar.

Using a glucometer

You can utilize a glucometer to test the blood sugar levels in the body. First, you have to wash hands and then prick the finger of the individual using a lancet. Place a drop of blood on the testing strip and insert into the glucometer. The blood sugar level reading will appear on the screen. Most glucometers allow saving of the readings or else, simply keep a record of the glucose levels to easily determine if the individual is experiencing large fluctuations in the sugar levels.


You can compare the blood sugar level to the normal value range. The recommended glucose range is 70-100 mg/dL before a meal and less than 130 mg/dL after eating. Always bear in mind that an individual without diabetes will not suffer from fluctuating blood sugar levels than an individual with diabetes.

Medical testing of the blood sugar level

You have to set an appointment at a medical laboratory to have the blood sugar tested. There are various tests that can be used to determine how well the body controls the blood sugar levels. A fasting glucose test measures the blood sugar after the individual has avoided any food which means that he/she has not taken anything but water several hours before the test. The average glucose level over the previous 2-3 months can provide an overview of any fluctuations in the blood sugar level.

Fluctuating blood sugar level
In case the blood sugar is high, the individual might feel thirsty or tired, has blurred vision, increased frequency to urinate or have wounds or infections that do not heal.

How the individual feels

You have to check how the individual feels. Whether the individual has type-1 or type-2 diabetes, he/she can be able to tell if the blood sugar is fluctuating based on how he/she feels. In case the blood sugar is low, the individual can tremble, sweat or have blurred vision, feel anxious, hungry or confused. In case the blood sugar is high, the individual might feel thirsty or tired, has blurred vision, increased frequency to urinate or have wounds or infections that do not heal.

Foods eaten

The individual should recall when he/she last ate and what he/she had to eat. In case the individual had just eaten a large meal and large glass of orange juice, the blood sugar is likely to increase. In addition, it is also to vital to consider when he/she received the last insulin shot or dose of medication prescribed by the doctor to control diabetes.

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