Dangers of epoxy paint fumes

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Always bear in mind the epoxy paint is commonly used in covering concrete floors due to its ability to keep the concrete from getting damaged due to water absorption over time. The finished product is a glossy, smooth and tough surface that is easy to clean. On the other hand, epoxy paint is comprised of poisonous chemicals called as isocyanates that help produce this effect. It is important to note that isocyanates can also generate fumes that are considered dangerous to the body once inhaled.

Once epoxy paint is exposed to the air, it starts to dry up. The drying process occurs as the liquid part of the paint evaporates, producing the toxic fumes into the air as it becomes gas. The fumes of the pain will last until evaporation is complete and the paint is fully dried. Take note that this process can take as long as one to two weeks.

Dangers of epoxy paint

It is important to observe caution when working with epoxy paint. If the vapors of epoxy paint are breathed in even for a short time, it can be dangerous. The indications of epoxy poisoning include nausea, vomiting and drowsiness. Extended exposure can eventually lead to asthma and inflammation within the lungs as well as death in rare cases. With this in mind, it is best to hire a professional painting service if possible to prevent exposure to the fumes.

Epoxy paint
The indications of epoxy poisoning include nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.

Precautions to bear in mind

If handling epoxy paint cannot be avoided, the individual must work in a properly ventilated space when applying the paint. When painting the garage floor, the door must be open and there should be an electric fan present so that the fumes are driven out of the room. The individual should also wear a breathing mask or even a respirator when applying the paint. It is also important to get some fresh air away from the room every hour. Always take 15-minute breaks away from the area. Additionally, protective clothing and eye wear must also be used to avoid any physical contact with the pain since it can also cause skin irritation.

How to speed up the drying process

Once the epoxy paint has dried up, the possibility of breathing the dangerous fumes is over. With this in mind, the paint must dry quickly as possible in order to minimize the exposure to the fumes. By painting during the cold months when the humidity level is low, it helps the air take in the moisture of the paint, thus drying it faster. Several fans can be used to help circulate air and promote the drying process faster.

What to do during emergencies?

In case an individual experiences any of the symptoms of prolonged exposure to epoxy paint fumes, the initial first aid measure is to remove the individual away from the area and seek emergency care immediately.

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