Indications of diabetes among adults

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Diabetes is a condition that causes the level of blood sugar to increase beyond the normal level. When it comes to type-1 diabetes, the body assaults the pancreatic cells that create insulin which is the hormone liable for regulating the blood sugar levels. For type-2 diabetes, the body was able to establish resistance to insulin and eventually unable to properly use insulin in regulating the blood sugar levels.

Once an individual has any symptoms of diabetes, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment and testing can be carried to come up with a definitive diagnosis.

Darkened skin patches and skin issues

Individuals who have type-2 diabetes can end up with patches of darkened skin in the folds of the body which is called as acanthosis nigricans. It is important to note that this condition is an indication of insulin resistance. Always bear in mind that acanthosis nigricans can manifest in the armpits, neck region and other creases in the body.


Both type-2 and type-1 diabetes can impair the ability of the body to properly utilize the blood sugar. Remember that this constant state of sugar deprivation can lead to an overall feeling of fatigue and exhaustion.

Impaired vision and eye issues

Type-1 and type-2 diabetes can also lead to diminished vision. Markedly elevated levels of blood sugar can cause fluid to draw away from the eyes, thus preventing the eyes from focusing properly. Diabetes can also cause glaucoma, retinopathy and cataracts. In addition, diabetics also face a high risk for developing blindness.

Heightened thirst and frequent urination

Excess amount of blood sugar pulls the fluid away from the cells and tissues of the body. As an outcome, both type-1 and type-2 diabetes can increase thirst. Remember that increased intake of fluids can also increase the frequency of urination.

Increased hunger

Always bear in mind that acanthosis nigricans can manifest in the armpits, neck region and other creases in the body.

Both type-1 and type-2 diabetes can cause increased hunger. Always bear in mind that both types prevents the body from utilizing blood sugar properly. Understandably, the cells, muscles and organs in the body exhaust their energy. Take note that this deficiency can lead to an increase in hunger.

Loss of weight

Type-1 and type-2 diabetes can cause increased hunger. On the other hand, in spite of the increased intake of food, type-1 and type-2 diabetics can actually end up with weight loss. The loss of weight is linked to inability to effectively utilize blood sugar caused by both types of diabetes. As a result, the body is forced to convert fat and oftentimes muscle tissue into energy.

Slow healing blisters and infections

When it comes to type-2 diabetes, it affects the natural immune response and healing capability of the body. In such cases, it disrupts the speed in which the sores as well as blisters heal. In addition, diabetes will also enable bacterial and fungal infections to develop at a rapid rate.

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