Epidural hematoma

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Epidural hematoma involves the accumulation of blood outside the dura mater. It is considered as a form of closed head trauma. The root cause of the swelling is partly based on the site in the cranium where damage occurred.

What are the indications?

All types of traumatic brain injuries have similar characteristics. The usual signs might arise as a combination of the following:

  • Dizziness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
    Epidural hematoma
    If the individual becomes unconscious, he/she must be brought to the nearest emergency department.

A distinct sign of an epidural hematoma is labelled as the “talk and die” syndrome which is referred to as transient lucidity. It simply means that the individual is knocked out, wakes up and appears fine and loses consciousness again. This sequence strongly indicates that an epidural hematoma is growing rapidly and often used to distinguish between a concussion and severe brain injury.

First aid care

The first aid care for an epidural hematoma is limited on caring for other injuries. Remember though to pay close attention if the individual becomes unconscious.

If the individual becomes unconscious, he/she must be brought to the nearest emergency department. In case the individual loses consciousness after enduring a direct blow to the head, call for emergency assistance.

Medical care

In a serious case of epidural hematoma, surgery is required to drain the blood and release the pressure on the brain. The doctor will remove a section of the skull and drain the hematoma. After the procedure, a drain is necessary for 1-2 days to allow any remaining bleeding out.

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