Foreign object in the nose

Foreign object in the nose

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Children are likely to end up with a foreign object in the nose. The usual objects found in the nose include tissue paper, food particles, small toys, beads and rocks.

In most cases, the presence of a foreign object in the nose and nasal cavity are not severe and likely to occur among children ages 1-8 years.

A foreign object that is stuck in the nose and does not trigger other symptoms can wait until morning or the next day for removal. Remember that it should be removed entirely without any discomfort and danger.

Additionally, an object that is stuck inside the nose might dislodge and move into the mouth in which it can be swallowed or even inhaled into the lungs that can block the airflow.

What are the indications of a foreign body in the nose?

  • Luckily, most adults can feel if there is an object inside the nose.
    Foreign object in the nose
    In most cases, a foreign object in the nose can cause pain or difficulty breathing via the side of the nose.
  • In most cases, a foreign object in the nose can cause pain or difficulty breathing via the side of the nose.
  • Nasal bleeding is also a usual symptom if there is a foreign body in the nose since the nasal tissues can be easily damaged. The blood can drip down the back part of the throat and swallowed that can lead to vomiting.
  • The nasal space connects to the back part of the mouth which is why it is likely for a foreign object in the nose to be driven back into the throat. The individual might swallow the object or choke on it.
  • Infection can develop if there is an object stuck in the nose. This is indicated by continuous nasal drainage from one side of the nose.
  • Foul odor might be an indication of a foreign object that has been inside the nose for some time. This leads to the production of bad breath or foul odor from the nose.
  • The skin below the nose turns raw due to the continuous drainage or from frequent wiping.

When to consult a doctor

  • Various objects that are lodged inside the nose requires immediate assessment by a doctor. Removal at home should not be performed to prevent further injury.
  • In case there is a possibility that an object is still left inside the nose or bleeding persists, a thorough assessment must be carried out by the doctor.
  • Continuous pain, bleeding or drainage from the nostril is an issue for concern since it indicates that the nasal passages are not fully cleared. Various objects might still be left inside the nose and can cause symptoms.
  • If there is a rash beneath one nostril or unexplained, constant pressure on the sinus.

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