Indoor allergies

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Indoor allergies are triggered by various allergens found inside the house. Houses harbor a variety of allergens that are trapped, thus making them difficult to avoid. Even though several allergens are present in the environment that are capable of triggering symptoms, house dust is the usual culprit for indoor allergies.

What are the possible causes?

Sensitivity of the immune system to a foreign threat triggers the symptoms. Being exposed to allergens instigates the usual symptoms. If an allergen enters the eyes, nose or the airway, an allergic reaction can occur.

If the immune system was previously sensitized to a specific allergen, it overly reacts which is known as a hypersensitivity or allergic reaction. This reaction initiates a series of reactions that results to the release of chemicals such as histamine. The effect of these chemicals on the tissues and cells triggers the symptoms.

Indoor allergies
The symptoms can manifest right after exposure or gradually build-up in 8-12 hours after exposure or become persistent.

The usual allergens responsible for indoor allergies include:


The typical indications of indoor allergies include the following:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, stuffed nose
  • Itchy, swollen, watery and bloodshot eyes
  • Clear nasal drainage
  • Cough
  • Scratchy, swollen throat
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Reactions to animal allergens might be mild or severe. The symptoms can manifest right after exposure or gradually build-up in 8-12 hours after exposure or become persistent.

When to seek medical care

In case the symptoms of indoor allergies worsen or do not improve with the removal or avoidance of the allergens, a doctor should be consulted.

If the individual has persistent eye, nasal or chest symptoms, a doctor should be consulted. If the respiratory issues become significant, bring the individual to the nearest emergency department as soon as possible.

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