Headache: Can I use an ice pack as treatment?

Headache: Can I use an ice pack as treatment?

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There are cases where you can manage a headache with an ice pack. Generally, one approach in treating one is applying an ice pack. Furthermore, the application can provide a numbing effect that dulls the sensation of pain.

Is it effective?

The application of ice as a remedy for a headache and migraine has been utilized in the past. The cold works by constricting the blood vessels and lessens the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

In one study conducted, applying an ice pack on the neck can help lessen the pain among those with migraine. The ice pack cools the blood flowing to the carotid artery in the neck. This helps lessen the inflammation in the brain which improves the pain.

Headache: Can I use an ice pack as treatment?
Using an ice pack is an inexpensive and relatively safe manner to lessen the discomfort and the pain.

Best way to use an ice pack for a headache

Since an ice pack is a home remedy, there are various ways to utilize this treatment.

If cold therapy is used for pain or migraine, an ice pack is applied for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Place the ice on the site for 20 minutes and remove for an hour. You can alternate the pack on and off until the pain settles. Prolonged placement can impair the skin.

Using an ice pack is an inexpensive and relatively safe manner to lessen the discomfort and the pain. In case over-the-counter treatments and remedies could not provide relief to the symptoms of a migraine, it is best to consult a doctor.





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