
How to manage insect bites while pregnant

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Insect bites that occur during pregnancy among women are considered harmless, but might endanger the woman and her unborn child. Certain diseases from insects can be transmitted from mother to child and lead to complications. In addition, minor insect bites might be a serious condition such as papular dermatitis. If insect bites are present during the period of pregnancy, it is vital to discuss the symptoms with a doctor so that an accurate diagnosis can be given as well as start the appropriate treatment.

What are the risks of insect bites?

The insect bites can come from a variety of sources including ticks, fleas, bed bugs, lice and mosquitoes. Always bear in mind that mosquito poses a higher threat due to the West Nile virus but the dengue virus is also a risk as well. The risk of transferring a virus acquired from an insect to the unborn child tends to vary depending on the disease.

Preventive measures

The local health department can provide information regarding possible risks from insect bites in your area. It is vital to be aware of any insect-acquired diseases that pose a risk during pregnancy.

Insect bites
A skin condition known as papular dermatitis might appear as large-sized bites. The symptoms include elevated red spots and itchy rash that develop scabs and do not manifest in groups.

Certain diseases might not transfer straight to the fetus but if the woman is affected, they can also influence the course of pregnancy. For those who are planning to travel abroad, preventive measures might be required for insect bites in foreign countries.

Insect repellants

Pregnant women must protect themselves from insect bites, specifically mosquitoes and always apply an insect repellant. You can apply an insect repellant only as directed based on the packaging instructions.

For those who do not want to use insect repellants, long-sleeved shirts and pants must be used to protect the skin as well as avoiding mosquito-infested areas. Nursing mothers who are using insect repellants must always wash hands and breasts thoroughly using water and soap before breastfeeding.

What is papular dermatitis?

A skin condition known as papular dermatitis might appear as large-sized bites. The symptoms include elevated red spots and itchy rash that develop scabs and do not manifest in groups.

The rash can manifest any time during pregnancy on any part of the body, but clears up after birth. Take note that papular dermatitis entails medical care and might even lead to fetal death. The insect bites can appear unusual due to the pregnancy hormones which is why it is vital to discuss any changes in the skin with the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

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