Indications of an ischemic stroke

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A large percentage of strokes are categorized as an ischemic type. An ischemic stroke is triggered by an obstruction in any vessel that supplies the brain with blood. The brain cells will start to die within a few minutes after the onset of an ischemic stroke. This condition would require immediate emergency care since it can mean the difference between life and death to the individual. It is important that you can recognize the signs of an ischemic stroke in order to help save a life. Always remember that any indications of a stroke would require immediate medical attention.


A headache that abruptly occurs without any warning can indicate an ischemic stroke. Headaches triggered by strokes are typically intense and unusual in nature. It is important to note that abrupt severe headaches caused by a stroke can occur along with neck stiffness or facial pain particularly between the eyes.

Numbness or weakness

A common indication of an ischemic stroke is abrupt numbness or weakness on one side of the body. In some individuals, they can suffer from abrupt total paralysis on just one half of the body although others feel abrupt tingling, numbness or weakness. Take note that some cases only involve the face, arm or leg. If the individual attempts to raise both arms, both legs and tries to smile widely, it can help determine if weakness is present on only one side of the body.

Ischemic stroke
A headache that abruptly occurs without any warning can indicate an ischemic stroke.


Most of the individuals who suffered from stroke experience difficulty speaking. The speech can be incoherent or slurred or might not be able to speak at all. In some cases, the individual can experience aphasia in which he/she could not find the words to express what they want to say. It simply means that the individual knows what they want to express but could not mentally or physically form the right words.


Abrupt changes in the vision can indicate an ischemic stroke. The vision of the individual can become blurry or experience sudden double vision with no apparent cause. In some individuals, they can experience total blackouts in their vision that can come and go or persist.

Problems with coordination

Some individuals could not walk or maintain balance. Those who can still walk might trip or stagger pointlessly. The loss of balance or coordination is often accompanied by a sudden bout of nausea or dizziness.


An individual who is having a stroke can also appear confused without warning. He/she might not be able to understand basic speech and has the tendency to forget where they are or what they were doing when the stroke occurred.

Important consideration to bear in mind

Some individuals experience transient ischemic attacks before the onset of an actual stroke. An ischemic stroke can occur if there is a momentary disruption in the flow of blood to the brain. The symptoms are the same with an actual stroke but they usually last for a few minutes to 24 hours and then vanish. Even if the symptoms disappear without causing any permanent damage, immediate medical care is required since an ischemic attack is often a precursor to an actual stroke.


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