Papule: What are the causes?

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A papule is described as a site of abnormal skin tissue, usually less than 1 centimeter in diameter. It has defined borders and form in various shapes. Papules or skin lesions are generally changes in the texture or color of the skin.

In most instances, papules are not serious and can be treated with home remedies. Nevertheless, if a papule forms after starting a new drug, doctor must be consulted right away.

Why do I have one?

A papule can be triggered by various conditions affecting the skin such as:

  • Dermatitis – this is the usual cause of a papule which is simply defined as inflammation of the skin. This skin condition causes a rash comprised of papules. The most common form is contact dermatitis that is instigated upon exposure to certain materials such as rubber, soap, poison ivy or jewelry.
  • Chickenpox – this is a highly transmittable condition caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It triggers an intensely itchy rash composed of papules on the skin.
  • Eczema – this skin condition is characterized by scaly and itchy rashes, dry skin and blisters. The precise cause of eczema is unknown.
    The most common form is contact dermatitis that is instigated upon exposure to certain materials such as rubber, soap, poison ivy or jewelry.
  • Cutaneous candidiasis – this is a skin infection caused by fungus, specifically Candida albicans. This is the fungus responsible for causing diaper rash among infants and oral thrush among adults.

When to consult a doctor

If the individual just started a new drug and developed a papule, a doctor should be seen.

In case the papules develop after an insect bite or sting, a doctor must be consulted as well. It is important to note that insects such as ticks might be carriers of detrimental conditions including Lyme disease.

Management of a papule

In most instances, a papule can be treated at home. Avoidance of the materials that can irritate the skin can help the papules settle.

Other treatment measures include:

  • Avoid scrubbing the skin while cleaning.
  • Use warm water and a mild soap when washing.
  • Do not use any new makeup or lotions to check if they are the cause.
  • Avoid wearing any makeup or scented lotions on the affected site
  • Expose the affected area to as much air as possible.

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