Possible side effects of bottled water

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It is a known fact that bottled water is considered as the most commonly consumed beverage in all parts of the globe. Many claim that it is convenient, safe and tastes better than tap water. As for those who favor tap water, they point out that bottled water can likely contain certain contaminants, potential exposure to plastic-based chemicals and an increased cost. If bottled water is chosen, it is likely to be the safe option chosen by many but there are possible side effects that you should be familiar with as a health precaution. If you want to learn more about safe drinking water, click here.



Both bottled water and tap water can contain minimal amounts of bacteria, mineral, fungal and other contaminants but there is a possibility that bottled water contains more contaminants. Take note that tap water is carefully regulated to ensure it complies with the strict guidelines for safety and health considerations.

Bottled water companies are required to test their products on a regular basis to ensure that they do not contain any dangerous contaminants but the testing and recommendations are not as strict or rigorously followed as with the tap water. The recycling of plastic water bottles can also result to an increased likelihood of bacterial contamination if they are not meticulously washed and disinfected. Additionally, both sources of water at the present are considered safe and sound for human consumption.

Bottled water
Both bottled water and tap water can contain minimal amounts of bacteria, mineral, fungal and other contaminants but there is a possibility that bottled water contains more contaminants.

Inadequate amount of fluoride

Take note that fluoride is naturally present in tap water which helps in preventing tooth decay and gum damage in young children. Many communities add fluoride to tap water to increase this health benefit. Once children are given bottled water exclusively, they tend miss out on these benefits and can suffer from an increase in tooth decay and gum disease. Since some manufacturers of bottled water utilize tap water as their base product, some bottled water contains fluoride while others do not.

Toxicity of plastic

Always bear in mind that food-safe plastic containers usually contain the chemical known as bisphenol A or BPA. Take note that BPA is a known disruptor of the endocrine function. It simply means that it interferes with the normal hormonal function particularly estrogen. BPA tends to leech from the plastic source and enters the water and food.

The plastic drinking water bottles and other reusable drinking water containers usually contain BPA as well as plastic containers used in storing food. At the present, studies are conducted whether the amount of BPA exposure received from plastic food containers are safe or unsafe. It is recommended to use bottles that indicate BPA free on the label to reduce the exposure or simply opt for tap water.

It is important that you are properly informed regarding the pros and cons of tap water or bottled water. Regardless of your choice when it comes to drinking water, it is important to take into consideration the source whether it is truly safe and recognized.

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