Residents quickly deliver CPR to save a man struck by a truck

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Abbotsford residents helped save the life of a man with CPR after struck by a truck on Lougheed Highway. During emergencies, the prompt delivery of life-saving measures can save lives. The Abbotsford resident, Jeremy Scholing enrolled in a beginner-level first aid class several years ago but he did not think that he will use it.

Road accident

When the incident occurred, it involved a 22-year old man who was hit and severely injured by a 5-ton truck when he attempted to run across Lougheed Highway.

The actions of Scholing and his friend, Matt Burnett, both Abbotsford residents, saved the life of the man. There was a bang and they saw a man on the ground and both headed to him. When Matt could not find a pulse, he started CPR.

At the time of the incident, it was dark and there was no way the truck would be able to stop since it was raining as well. Poor visibility might be a contributing factor to the incident.

immediate delivery of CPR can make a big difference in the outcome. If there is a delay, the outcome might be a grim one.

There was blood around the airway of the man. Burnett wiped the blood off and Jeremy performed mouth-to-mouth and CPR. These actions were able to restart the breathing of the man until the arrival of the emergency crews who took over.

Why CPR counts

In case of an incident like this, CPR can save a life until the emergency crew can take over the scene. The immediate delivery of CPR can make a big difference in the outcome. If there is a delay, the outcome might be a grim one.

Enrolling in a first aid course is undoubtedly a necessity that everyone should invest in. Being prepared to handle emergencies can help improve the chances of survival.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a CPR and AED course and for more information, check out these sources:




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