A scorpion sting can occur as self defense of the creature. Scorpions might end up caught in bedding or crawl inside shoes which eventually results to a sting.
If the scorpion is still at the scene, you can either trap it under an inverted jar or pick it up with long tongs.
What are the signs?
In most cases of scorpion stings, only localized signs are present such as pain at the site of the sting and warmth. The symptoms can become intense even if the redness or swelling is not visible.
The signs at the site of the sting include:
- Intense pain
If an individual ends up with a scorpion sting without triggering any serious reaction, it is generally managed with the application of ice on the sting site as well as over-the-counter pain medications. - Swelling around the sting site
- Numbness and tingling around the sting
It is also likely for an individual who was stung previously by scorpions to end up with an allergic response to future stings. In some cases, it is serious enough to cause anaphylaxis.
How to care for a scorpion sting
If an individual ends up stung by a scorpion, the following steps must be carried out:
- Always stay safe – when helping an individual with a scorpion sting, it is vital to be protected by observing the universal precautions and using protective equipment if on hand. Do not touch the scorpion with bare hands.
- Check the seriousness of the scorpion sting – a scorpion sting that triggers anaphylactic shock with symptoms such as wheezing, hives, chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, emergency care is required.
If an individual ends up with a scorpion sting without triggering any serious reaction, it is generally managed with the application of ice on the sting site as well as over-the-counter pain medications.
Disclaimer / More Information
The information posted on this page on a scorpion sting is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn how to manage this type of sting, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Victoria, Surrey, Mississauga, Winnipeg, Red Deer, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.