What are the indications of sesame oil allergy?

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If an individual is currently using sesame oil in supplement form and ends up with adverse reactions, it is vital to stop using the oil and consult a doctor. Take note that allergies to sesame seed are increasing and have been considered as highly allergic food. The symptoms of an allergic reaction to sesame oil depend on whether it was ingested or applied on the skin. All symptoms must be reported to the doctor during consultation for proper assessment of the condition.

Respiratory symptoms

After the consumption of sesame oil, the individual might develop respiratory issues during an allergic response. Asthma is a usual symptom that can occur within minutes after consuming sesame oil. The symptoms of the condition include difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest pain as well as coughing and chest tightness. In most cases, the individual will also develop sinus congestion that can lead to runny nose, sinus headaches, facial tenderness, postnasal drip and sinus pressure. If the person could not properly breathe, call for emergency assistance as soon as possible.

Sesame allergy
The symptoms of the condition include difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest pain as well as coughing and chest tightness.

Digestive and cardiovascular symptoms

The ingestion of sesame oil if an individual is allergic will cause both digestive and cardiovascular symptoms. Vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, cramping and gas are the usual indications of an allergic response. Remember that these symptoms are triggered by an increased production of histamine in the lining of the small intestines that results to swelling and inflammation.

The cardiovascular symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, erratic heartbeats and a low blood pressure. These symptoms can indicate anaphylaxis which is a severe allergic reaction and must be reported to a doctor right away.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis is a skin condition that develops once the skin comes in direct contact with sesame oil. If sesame oil is applied to the skin and there is inflammation, redness and irritation, the individual should stop using the product. Take note that this allergic reaction is only topical and will only cause symptoms to manifest in the area that was exposed to the sesame oil. If the area is scratched, blisters that are itchy will form and spread. This condition can be managed by cleaning the affected region using water and soap as well as applying hydrocortisone cream.


An effective treatment is to clinically determine if sesame oil is responsible for causing an allergic reaction to the body and then avoid being exposed to the allergen. Remember that sesame oil can be utilized in various Asian products, desserts and crackers. The individual must carefully read the product labels on all foods before they are eaten to ensure that they are not made out of sesame seeds. By enrolling in a course on first aid today in your area, you are prepared with the steps to take in case of an allergic reaction.

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