What are the symptoms of oral allergy?

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Oral allergy is basically a type of syndrome that produces symptoms once an individual eats a particular food that triggers an allergic reaction. It is important to note that the condition manifests once the immune system of the body could not distinguish between the pollen proteins and proteins in foods such as vegetables, nuts and fruits.

Common symptoms of an oral allergy

In most cases, the mouth is the commonly affected area during an oral allergy syndrome. Itchiness and swelling can occur in the tongue, lips and the throat. Other possible symptoms that can develop include watery or itchy eyes, sneezing, nasal leakage and nasal inflammation. These symptoms do not usually take a long time to appear and are likely to occur right after the allergen is consumed.

What happens during serious cases?

Oral allergy
Individuals who are sensitive to certain foods might develop a gastrointestinal reaction that includes cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.

Individuals who are sensitive to certain foods might develop a gastrointestinal reaction that includes cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. In rare cases, an oral allergy can lead to an asthma attack. The individual will even start to wheeze and experience breathing difficulty. An anaphylactic shock can also develop in which the individual can pass out or choke. This is considered as a life-threatening condition that would require emergency care as soon as possible. If this is not treated immediately, it can be fatal. In the hospital, a shot of epinephrine is given to counteract the symptoms. By enrolling in a first aid class, you will learn how to use an EpiPen.

How oral allergy is diagnosed

If an individual experiences the symptoms of oral allergy, the doctor will likely perform tests in order to determine a diagnosis. A skin allergen test will be carried out to check the sensitivity to the pollen by applying a small amount of the allergen to the surface of the skin. If the result is positive, the doctor might recommend avoiding certain foods such as vegetables, fruits and nuts in order to determine the ingredients that might trigger the manifestation of the symptoms.

A blood test can also be performed in order to check the immunoglobulins present in the bloodstream. This is also an accurate way to determine if an individual is allergic to a particular allergen.

Treatment for oral allergy

The best way to treat an oral allergy is to avoid foods that can trigger the appearance of the symptoms. Another option is to freeze or cook the annoying foods in order to avoid triggering an allergic reaction.

Allergy shot or prescription antihistamines can be given by the doctor in order to manage oral allergy syndrome.

Important considerations to bear in mind

Always bear in mind that proper preparation of certain foods must be observed in order to minimize the severity of the symptoms. By freezing or heating foods to a very high temperature, it can help eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Dried and canned food can also help relieve the symptoms of an oral allergy. Take note that the time of the year can also affect an oral allergy particularly seasons in which the pollen count is elevated.

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