Safety rules during a blizzard

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It is a known fact that blizzards can be deadly if you are not properly prepared. The drop in the temperature can be detrimental to the health. If an individual is caught in a blizzard in the outdoors, he/she can wander for hours without any clue where he/she is. With this in mind, it is important to plan ahead every winter on what to do in case of a blizzard. By being familiar with the safety rules, you can stay safe even during harsh weather.

Proper clothing

In case it is required to go out during a blizzard, it is essential to wear proper protective clothing particularly those that can trap pockets of air inside in which the body heat can provide warmth. There should be several layers of loose, light clothing since it provides better insulation while at the same time allowing you to shed layers if it becomes warm. It is best to use gloves instead of mittens due to the better warmth it provides. Do not forget to wear a warm hat every time you go outside.

Home safety

You should always ensure that there are enough supplies at home in case a blizzard strikes. Before an upcoming blizzard, you have to stock up on non-perishable foods, bottled water, flashlights, toilet paper, radio, can opener, first aid kit, fire extinguishers and a supply of medications that can last for a week. By enrolling in a first aid class, you will learn all the essential items to include in your first aid kit.

Once the blizzard strikes, it is best to stay indoors and limit any activity to a few rooms as possible and close off the rest. Take note that this will help retain the heat better. Everybody must wear warm clothes and utilize safe indoor heating sources such as the fireplace or thermostat. Do not use the generator indoors, barbeque grills or even the oven to provide heat since they all produce fumes that can be deadly in an enclosed space.

Try to keep an eye out for the neighbors especially the elderly and those who have special needs. Monitor them during the blizzard if possible and inform them that they can contact you in case they need help.

Vehicle safety

Blizzard safety
You have to place a blanket in the trunk of your vehicle along with non-perishable food and a bright-colored piece of cloth that can be tied to the antennae in case stranded.

Vehicle safety basically starts by making sure that the vehicle is properly tuned while all its components are in good working order. You have to place a blanket in the trunk along with non-perishable food and a bright-colored piece of cloth that can be tied to the antennae in case stranded.

In case the vehicle breaks down during a blizzard, do not leave the vehicle for any reason. Always make sure that that the exhaust pipes remain clear and crack the windows open to provide proper ventilation and then take the necessary steps to stay warm as possible.  If you have to run the engine, it should be done for only 10-minute intervals. You can also turn on the interior lights at night since they utilize less power than the headlights and you can be easily spotted by the rescue team.

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