What are the warning signs of a miscarriage?

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It is a known fact that a miscarriage can be a distressing experience for any woman. Even though there are no serious effects physically, a miscarriage can be emotionally problematic to deal with. Once the body instinctively terminates a pregnancy, it might be due to a problem with the embryo. There are cautionary signs of an imminent miscarriage that you should be aware of.

A miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is a condition in which pregnancy naturally ends. This usually occurs during the initial 3 months of pregnancy. In most cases, a miscarriage can occur before the woman even realizes that she is pregnant.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

The symptoms of a miscarriage tends to vary but the most common indications include bleeding which can be mild or severe and can be pink, red or brown in color. Other common symptoms include cramping in the lower abdomen, back pain that increases in intensity, contractions and vaginal discharge of blood-tinged mucus.

Other common symptoms include cramping in the lower abdomen, back pain that increases in intensity, contractions and vaginal discharge of blood-tinged mucus.

The early indications can include fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite and lethargy. Even though minimal bleeding is considered normal during pregnancy, a woman experiencing bleeding, cramps, pain and other symptoms must consult a doctor right away as a precautionary measure. In case complications are suspected, emergency care can be provided.

Important consideration to bear in mind

One of the common causes of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. The other possible causes include abdominal trauma, maternal age and health, infection, placental problems and hormonal imbalances. The incorrect implantation of the egg can also result to miscarriage. Additionally, if the mother has a sexually transmitted disease, it can also lead to miscarriage as well.

Who are at higher risk?

Women who are over 35 years of age face a higher risk as well as those who had a previous miscarriage. The risk is even higher among women who have complications during pregnancy such as placenta previa, ectopic pregnancy, pre-eclampsia and premature birth.

On the other hand, this does not mean that if a woman has any of these conditions, she will have a miscarriage in future pregnancies. Nevertheless, the doctor might monitor the pregnancy more closely since she is at higher risk. Those who have health conditions such as diabetes also face a higher risk for miscarriage.

Preventive measures

Even though some cases of miscarriage could not be avoided, it is important for the woman to take every precaution especially those who are at risk. Women who are pregnant should not smoke and stay in areas where others smoke. Caffeine and alcohol consumption must also be avoided.

It is important to maintain a healthy diet along with appropriate supplements and vitamins. The woman must consult a doctor regarding long-distance travel or engaging in a new type of exercise routine since strenuous activities must be avoided. The stress level must be kept to a minimum as well. Always remember that a healthy lifestyle will help ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby.

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