What is fish oil allergy?

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A good source of omega-3 fatty acid is fish which helps minimize the risk for arrhythmias that can result to death. Throughout the years, fish oil has been a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Nevertheless, since fish oil is made from fish, individuals who are allergic to fish will likely experience an allergic reaction to fish oil.


By being familiar with the signs and symptoms of fish oil allergy, you are prepared on what to do and when to seek medical attention. By enrolling in a first aid course, you will learn the appropriate measures when dealing with allergies

Symptoms of fish oil allergy

These are the following symptoms that can manifest if an individual is allergic to fish oil. You have to observe for these symptoms so that appropriate measures are carried out before the reaction worsens.


Hives is considered as one of the most common symptoms of an allergic reaction. This is characterized as small-sized bumps on the skin surface anywhere in the body. In severe cases of hives, more bumps will develop. The hives tend to vary in size that can range in size from a pencil eraser up to a dinner plate. In case several hives connect together, they will form bigger growths that are called as plaques. Essentially, hives manifest abruptly and can last for a whole day and can cause mild to severe itching.

Swelling of the face

Fish oil allergy
The other symptoms that can manifest during anaphylaxis include vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Once hives develops around the face, it can trigger the swelling of the face. In most cases, if hives are present around the face, they are usually deeper than the surface of the skin. These swellings can occur around the eyes, lips, tongue and even on the throat. The moment the throat and tongue start to swell; it can lead to the blockage of the airway, thus resulting to difficulty of breathing.


Once the swelling occurs in the mouth, tongue, and throat, the airways will end up blocked. This is considered as a severe allergic reaction which is also called anaphylaxis. This is marked by generalized hives, dilated blood vessels and low blood pressure. Take note that all of these symptoms will eventually lead to shock that can lead to death if the condition is left untreated.

If the body is initially exposed to fish oil and the individual has an allergy, the immune system will start to develop antibodies to protect the body. The moment the fish oil is reintroduced to the body, the antibodies will start to attack it, producing histamines that cause the hives, facial swelling and eventually anaphylaxis. The other symptoms that can manifest during anaphylaxis include vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. If the individual is experiencing the initial signs of anaphylaxis, it is important to seek emergency care right away.

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