first aid

Cerebellar stroke: How is it managed?

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A cerebellar stroke results to damage to the cerebellum which is the region responsible for controlling movement and coordination. It is important to note that a stroke develops if the arteries supplying the brain with blood and oxygen is blocked, resulting to diminished flow to the brain. In some cases, a stroke is brought about by a ruptured aneurysm. Take note that both can lead to the death of the brain cells and can affect any part of the brain.

The main objective of treatment for a cerebellar stroke is to restore as much function as possible.

Aspirin or injections for the clots

Seek treatment as soon as the indications are present or a stroke is recognized. If care is provided within 3 hours of the start of the stroke, aspirin or even tissue plasminogen activator can be administered to dissolve any clots responsible for the stroke.

In case there is significant blockage in the arteries supplying the brain or there is hemorrhage, several surgical techniques are utilized to reopen the arteries or control the bleeding.

Medications or surgery

A doctor should be consulted regarding drugs that can help lower the risk for another cerebellar stroke in the future. In most cases, this includes a regimen of aspirin, blood-thinning drugs and medications that lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

In case there is significant blockage in the arteries supplying the brain or there is hemorrhage, several surgical techniques are utilized to reopen the arteries or control the bleeding. Depending on the seriousness of the stroke, surgery might be necessary right away or set later.

Physical therapy

This generally includes exercises to help improve flexibility and strength after a cerebellar stroke. The exercises performed are based on the seriousness of the stroke, age and general health of the individual.

The regimen for a cerebellar stroke might include re-learning how to walk, maintaining balance and moving around in general. Mobility aids such as braces and canes might be introduced to provide support and allow steady return to an active lifestyle.

Preventive measures for cerebellar stroke

An individual who had one episode of cerebellar stroke might be at risk for another in the future, thus it is vital to take the necessary steps to lower the risk.

In most cases, this involves implementing healthy lifestyle actions such as regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, cessation of smoking as well as maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, maintaining the right level of blood pressure and cholesterol is vital as well as keeping diabetes under control is a must.

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