Possible causes of stomach edema

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Stomach edema or ascites develops once fluid build ups in the tissues of the abdomen. The build-up of fluid starts once the capillaries leak fluid irregularly while the kidneys hold water in an attempt to compensate for the loss of fluid.

In mild cases of edema in the legs, it does not always indicate an underlying health condition but stomach edema might indicate impairment to the major bodily organs.

Can pancreatitis trigger stomach edema?

The pancreas is a gland positioned right behind the stomach which is responsible for releasing enzymes that aid with the digestion of food. It is also helps release insulin and glucagon that regulate the blood sugar level.

If pancreatitis develops, it involves swelling of the pancreas that might be triggered by an obstruction in the bile ducts or some long-lasting conditions. The ensuing inflammation irritates the interior lining of the pancreas and causes the digestive enzymes to activate within the pancreas instead in the small intestines where they become active.

The indications of pancreatitis include nausea, stomach edema, vomiting, increase pulse rate, fever, diarrhea and weight loss. It is considered as a serious condition that requires admission at a healthcare facility to be given intravenous antibiotics and fluids.


Stomach edema
The indications of pancreatitis include nausea, stomach edema, vomiting, increase pulse rate, fever, diarrhea and weight loss.

Cirrhosis involves significant scarring of the liver that develops due to chronic damage. The liver is responsible for detoxifying the body as well as preventing damage from detrimental substances.

Once the liver is damaged by a harmful substance, it results to extensive scarring. Those who have chronic liver disease, diseases of the bile ducts and those who excessively consume alcohol can experience repeated damage to the liver which leads to build up of scar tissue which replaces the healthy ones.

If the liver sustained significant scar tissue, it could no longer function normally. This results to fatigue, stomach edema, bruising and bleeding, leg edema, appetite loss and weight loss. The management for cirrhosis is aimed on treating or dealing with the underlying cause as well as minimizing the symptoms using medications.

Heart failure

Heart failure develops once the heart could not pump sufficient amounts of blood to the body. Once the heart could not pump properly, the blood accumulates in regions of the body and trigger accumulation of fluid which results to stomach edema.

The other symptoms of heart failure include cough, shortness of breath, cough, weight gain, swollen ankles and feet, weakness, fatigue, poor concentration and appetite loss. Remember that heart failure is a long-lasting condition that develops as a result of congenital heart conditions, chronic erratic heartbeat, heart valve abnormalities and heart attack.

The treatment for heart failure involves strict monitoring, medications, modifications to the diet and even surgery is possible.

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