A street performer saves a life with CPR

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Chris Parsons encourages everyone that knowing how to perform CPR is a useful skill. Parsons is a street performer with the stage name Chris Without the Hat. While in Saskatoon to perform at the Fringe Festival, he had to perform CPR to help a man breathe again.

Importance of CPR training

According to Parsons, he felt focused on the task and credits his CPR training which he utilized to restore the breathing of the man.

Parsons had been shopping at an antique store on 33rd Street when he came out and saw a man lying on the ground with another woman attempting to help him up.

The man was able to sit up where Parsons offered his arm for balance. He gave up and returned down. A bystander called 911 and after hearing that Parson had CPR training, the 911 operator asked him to start with the resuscitations.

At that point, the man was blue but Parsons delivered chest compressions and noticed that the man was not breathing at all. He delivered air into the man’s mouth until he started breathing again and continued with the compressions until the arrival of the ambulance.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life.

He last saw him on a stretcher with the paramedics and loaded into an ambulance and was breathing.

While Parsons was able to provide CPR, others at the scene were also ready to step up and help.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to be ready for emergencies by enrolling in our CPR training classes. Our courses maintain social distancing measures with reduced class sizes to maintain the minimum 2 meters apart along with the mandatory use of face masks and regular temperature checks. The venue of the courses undergoes regular, enhanced cleaning, and disinfection routines. 

For more information, check out these sources:




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