Lazy Eye

Can dairy products trigger puffy eyes?

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Once an individual experiences an allergic reaction to one of the components in dairy products such as cheese or milk, he/she might have other symptoms which include swollen or puffy eyes. If an individual has lactose intolerance, other symptoms aside from puffy eyes can develop such as stomach upset and other intestinal issues.

Food allergies usually start in childhood and eventually subside with age, but an allergy might persist in some cases. Being familiar with the symptoms of dairy allergy can help identify a problem.

What are the other symptoms?

Aside from the puffy eyes, a reaction to dairy goods can result to other symptoms. The individual can suffer from swollen lips, tongue and other parts of the body or even rashes.

The tissues in the mouth or on the face can feel itchy or have tingling sensation. In severe cases, dairy allergy can also cause swollen tissues in the throat that can lead to difficulty breathing. When it comes to food allergy, it can cause more eye symptoms other than puffy eyes including redness, eye itchiness and tearing.

Puffy eyes
Aside from the puffy eyes, a reaction to dairy goods can result to other symptoms. The individual can suffer from swollen lips, tongue and other parts of the body or even rashes.

Management of puffy eyes

The development of puffy eyes or signs and symptoms of food allergy usually react to over-the-counter or prescription medications such as an antihistamine. The medication might take some time to minimize the swelling.

The inflammation can be managed by applying a cool, damp washcloth on the puffy eyes. It is vital to seek immediate medical care if a severe reaction develops especially one that is accompanied by difficulty breathing. If the individual is at risk for severe reactions to dairy, the doctor might recommend an injectable epinephrine which works by counter-acting the reaction.

What are the other possible causes?

Even though a reaction to dairy can lead to puffy eyes, other conditions can also add up to the eyelid inflammation. An infection such as pink eye usually triggers swelling and a puffy eyelid develops if a sty or blocked oil gland is present.

The exact cause of the symptoms can be determined by an eye doctor. The doctor will assess the eyes and once an allergic reaction is suspected, the diet and exposure to other allergens is discussed. This will provide the doctor with details regarding the possible cause based on the physical exam and history.

Considerations to bear in mind

If the individual has puffy eyes that do not seem to improve or there are additional symptoms such as pain, visual changes or difficulty breathing, a doctor should be consulted right away. Immediate treatment of the condition can help resolve the symptoms quickly and also prevent the symptoms from getting worse or causing permanent damage.

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