Causes of head pressure

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Head pressure is called as intracranial pressure by medical professionals. It is the pressure between the skull and the brain. If it is too much, it can lead to the restriction of the flow of blood to the brain as well as compressing the structures in the brain. This is considered as a serious medical condition that has the potential to cause severe damage to the spinal cord or the brain. It is important to consult a doctor if the individual experiences pressure in the head. The symptoms of an unusual head pressure include behavioral changes, lethargy, seizures, headache and vomiting.

What is encephalitis?

Encephalitis involves the inflammation of the brain that typically occurs due to a viral infection. Once the brain starts to swell, it will press on the skull which results to head pressure. The condition can be primary or secondary. When it comes to primary encephalitis, it occurs due to the direct invasion of the brain or spinal cord by a virus. As for secondary encephalitis, it occurs due to a viral infection that affects another body part and then travels to the brain.

Head pressure
Subarachnoid hemorrhage involves bleeding in the subarachnoid space which is the area amidst the brain and the tissue covering the brain. Once blood fills up the space, it causes head pressure.

In most cases, the condition is usually minor and the symptoms include irritability, headache, lethargy, joint pain and fever. In severe cases, the symptoms include personality changes, confusion, seizures, double vision, and loss of sensation, muscle weakness and tremors. The condition typically resolves on its own with increased fluid intake, bed rest and pain medications to provide relief to the headache. Additionally, depending on the virus that causes the inflammation, some can be treated with antiviral medications. If you want to learn how to manage encephalitis, read here.

What is subarachnoid hemorrhage?

Subarachnoid hemorrhage involves bleeding in the subarachnoid space which is the area amidst the brain and the tissue covering the brain. Once blood fills up the space, it causes head pressure. The condition can be due to a bleeding disorder, aneurysm, head injury or brain abnormalities.

The symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhage include loss of sensation, diminished consciousness, muscle aches, personality changes, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting and visual problems. This is considered as a medical emergency that entails immediate medical care. In most cases, emergency surgery will be carried out which involves the removal of excess blood from the brain and repairing the cause of the bleeding.


Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges which are the membranes that cover the brain and the spinal cord. If the meninges become inflamed, they will swell up and occupy more space in the central nervous system, thus resulting to head pressure.

There are two forms of meningitis – viral and bacterial. The viral form is the common type while the bacterial form is rare but a life-threatening condition. The symptoms of meningitis include lethargy, fever, irritability, headache, skin rashes and stiff neck. When it comes to bacterial meningitis, it is considered as a medical emergency that should be treated right away with intravenous antibiotics and corticosteroids to minimize the inflammation.

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