Celery allergy: What are the signs?

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Celery allergy can trigger undesirable symptoms in some individuals. Some individuals only experience issues with celery at certain times of the year. It is important to note that this form of reaction is brought about by cross-reactivity to birch tree or wormwood plants since they share a specific cell structure with celery.

Oral allergy syndrome typically arises during the pollination seasons of wormwood or birch. Other individuals might end up with allergy symptoms after consuming cooked or raw celery. The effects vary from minor itchiness to dangerous metabolic collapse.

An itchy or tingling sensation manifests in the mouth during this reaction. After 1-2 minutes, moderate itchiness in the lips, throat and tongue arises once the body absorbs the allergens.

Itchiness of the mouth

The oral symptoms might represent the extent or only the start of the physical effects of celery allergy. An itchy or tingling sensation manifests in the mouth during this reaction. After 1-2 minutes, moderate itchiness in the lips, throat and tongue arises once the body absorbs the allergens.

Facial swelling

Since itchiness can arise at any time, the individual might dismiss these symptoms unless inflammation and swelling are present. Many individuals with oral celery allergy only end up with elevated bumps in the mouth.

Others experience further swelling in the lips, throat and tongue. In some cases, the face and eyelids might also show evident swelling.

Difficulty breathing

Even though the symptoms of oral allergy are typically benign, severe allergic reactions can arise at any time. The swelling in the mouth and throat might block the airways or become constricted. The indications of coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing indicate the start of anaphylaxis which is instigated by celery allergy that rapidly escalates to dangerous levels.

Uneven pulse

Anaphylaxis arises right after consuming celery as the breathing obstruction lessen the flow of oxygen throughout the body. The individual might end up with an uneven, racing or weak pulse.

Slurred speech, confusion and lightheadedness might be the evident signs of a systemic shock that can progress to loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest as well as death.

Digestive issues

The minor reactions brought about by celery allergy can affect the digestive tract and settles as the allergens are eliminated from the body. These symptoms might not start until an hour or more after eating when the individual is suddenly overcome by nausea.

Even though stomach cramping, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting might be severe, an episode is expected to subside in a short time. Individuals who continue to consume celery are still at risk for future reactions.

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