Bronchial spasms

Bronchial spasms

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Bronchial spasms occur if the muscles contract and narrow the airway. Generally, during a bronchial spasm, it results to difficulty breathing. In addition, the individual wheezes while catching his/her breath.

What are the indications?

Bronchial spasms typically manifest quickly. Generally, it can cause a sensation of chest tightness that makes it hard to breathe. Wheezing is also a usual sign along with coughing when there is constriction in the bronchial tubes.

Depending on the root cause of the bronchial spasms, the bronchial glands might produce excess mucus. This can add up to the cough and result to further narrowing of the airways.

What are the causes?

Bronchial spasms
Bronchial spasms typically manifest quickly. It can cause a sensation of chest tightness that makes it hard to breathe.

Generally, bronchial spasms occur if there is inflammation of the bronchial tubes. This inflammation is due to the following:

Management of bronchial spasms

The treatment plan tends to vary on the root cause of the bronchial spasms. Generally, in most cases, the doctor suggest an inhaler to alleviate the symptoms.

  • If the doctor diagnoses the individual with asthma, bronchodilators help open the airways. There are 2 types of bronchodilators which are delivered with handheld inhalers. The long-acting inhaler prevents symptoms from developing while a quick-acting inhaler can relieve the symptoms that arise abruptly during an asthma attack.
  • For acute bronchitis, the doctor prescribes inhaled steroids which requires brief use.
  • In addition, for chronic bronchitis or emphysema, the doctor suggests inhalers and antibiotics. Oxygen therapy is also an option if the symptoms are severe.
  • Lastly, in severe cases of COPD, a lung transplant might be necessary.

The doctor will encourage the individual to adjust his/her lifestyle to avoid triggers that aggravate the bronchial spasms.


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