Why do I have an itchy mouth after eating fresh fruits?

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Even though it seems strange, eating fresh fruit can trigger an itchy mouth if an individual has been diagnosed with seasonal allergies. Right after eating fresh fruit, the individual can develop symptoms such as an itchy mouth, nasal passages or throat which is caused by a condition called oral allergy syndrome.

If an individual is diagnosed with hay fever or pollen allergy, he/she can suffer from minor allergy symptoms after eating fresh fruits. Some of the proteins present in various fruits can be confused by the body as certain types of pollens which trigger the release of histamine responsible for the allergy symptoms.

Itchy mouth-fresh fruits
In case the only symptom is an itchy mouth, the condition is known as oral allergy syndrome.

Itchy mouth

In case the only symptom is an itchy mouth, the condition is known as oral allergy syndrome. Take note that this condition only affects the mouth. This is not considered as a food allergy but a cross-reaction related to a pollen allergy. If the individual ends up with other symptoms aside from the itchy mouth such as hives, asthma or digestive issues, it is considered as a food allergy. Schedule an appointment with the doctor to determine the exact case as well as the most effective form of treatment for the condition. If you want to be prepared to handle this reaction, all you have to do is to enroll in a class on first aid today.

Fresh fruits

It is important to note that cooking fruit prior to consumption can help prevent an itchy mouth. Once the body confuses the proteins in fresh fruit for pollen, it will trigger the release of histamine in the localized region of the mouth in order to protect the body from the allergen even though it is not a threat to the body.

In some circumstances, the individual can suffer from symptoms linked to hay fever such as sneezing, nasal drainage, eye irritation, stuffed nose and throat irritation. Take note that adults are usually affected by this condition than children.

What are the types of pollen and fruits?

If an individual is allergic to birch pollen, fresh fruits that can trigger oral allergy syndrome include peaches, pears, apricots, apples, plums, cherries, kiwi, prunes and nectarines. If an individual is allergic to ragweed, eating watermelons, bananas, cantaloupes or honeydew can trigger an itchy mouth.

Certain grass pollen can trigger an itchy mouth once tomatoes, oranges, peaches or melons are eaten. An individual who is allergic to alder pollen can end up with oral allergy syndrome after eating apples, pears, peaches and cherries.


In case cooking the fruit does not prevent the development of an itchy mouth, a doctor must be consulted regarding sublingual immunotherapy. The treatment can be used for oral allergy syndrome which involves a tiny amount of allergen introduced under the tongue in order to desensitize the body to the allergen.

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